Advocacy/Life Coaching Services:
We provide Christian Life Coaching and problem solving to help improve quality of life for individuals and families. Advocates assist with critical needs such as medical emergencies, food or heat emergencies, finding housing or anything that compromises basic needs. The CRITICAL NEEDS component is a large part of what we do.
Victory Cafe:
Café and coffee house. Great food, Wi-Fi, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. What can be better? Serving a lite menu for breakfast, lunch and dessert. Low cost menu options and snacks available. The full menu is available HERE.

Victory House and Emergency Housing Initiative:
This initiative provides short term, immediate housing to individuals who are homeless and who are NOT actively using drugs/alcohol. The program will provide housing services to all people who are homeless so that they are in safe and affordable permanent or transitional housing within an average of 30 days. The Victory House is a supervised men’s house in Oswego used for emergency housing. Housing is found through already existing avenues and landlords that we work with.
Praise, Prayer and Study:
Bible Studies and various teachings and learning experiences to make the Word the highest priority in peoples’ lives. Bringing the Word to people. We understand the need to be diligent and steadfast in renewing the mind. Also networking and linking to local churches for teaching to vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals.

Critical Needs:
Victory will help with emergency housing, partial security deposits and HUD applications. We will help people get to food pantries and link people with other resources in the community and we will bridge the gap until those links are made. We will do what is necessary to help empower people and help them to be self sufficient.
Discipleship and Mentoring:
Assistance with life skills, educational and employment pursuits. Victory keeps an up-to-date job list and will assist people with applying for jobs or attaining vocational/educational skills.